ASDC organizes Automotive Skills Development Council Partner’s Forum 2019

Automotive Skills Development Council has organized ASDC Partner’s Forum 2019 at New Delhi. The objective of the forum was to discuss, share knowledge and understand the opportunity to provide quality training programs with credible assessments & certification.

The day-long event focused on an overview of the current scenario at the skilling industry, best practices prevalent in this sector, along with challenges and relevant suggestions. The speakers highlighted the partnership between ASDC and TCS iON which is aiming to address the challenges through Digital Transformation. Digitization is taking place in five key areas which are end-to-end ASDC skilling ecosystem, Skilling and Upskilling of the workforce in the automotive system, and will be enabled through TCS iON Digital Learning, Digitized Automotive Skill Assessment Process, Digitized Driving Assessments with TCS iON Cert-n-Edge, Listing Portal for jobs.

In one of the sessions, E&Y, one of the largest professional services firms, shared its insight on automotive skill gap study. The speaker detailed on the process update by E&Y to bridge the gap.

The attendees of the Forum consisted of ASDC training partners including the Automobile OEMs, Automotive Component Manufacturers, and Individual Training Partners. The event progressed towards the end with a round of panel discussion where industry partners shared their expectations from ASDC certified candidates.

Concluding the event, Mr. Nikunj Sanghi, Chairman, ASDC, said, “I thank each and every partner for being a part of this forum today and discussing various aspects of skilling in the automobile industry. It is imperative for us to keep pace with the dynamic shifts in the landscape of the Indian Automotive Industry, where skilling plays a very important role. We need to focus on imparting skills, which are at par with the industry standards. But it will only be possible when the entire process is well refined and is led by successful mentors. This, if possible, will make young professionals ready for the challenges and demands of the industry.’’

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