Honda To Come Up With 10 Electric Motorcycles By 2025

Recently, Honda held a press briefing regarding its motorcycle business initiatives, presented by Kohei Takeuchi, Director, Executive Vice President, Representative Executive Officer and Yoshishige Nomura, Managing Officer. Honda aims to realise carbon neutrality for all products and corporate activities Honda is involved in by 2050.

Honda offers a wide range of motorcycle products, which are used globally in both emerging and advanced countries. Honda will accelerate the electrification of motorcycles as the primary focus of environmental strategies for motorcycle business, while also continuing to advance ICE, aiming to achieve carbon neutrality for all of its motorcycle products during the 2040s. Moreover, Honda will continue to lead the industry at the forefront of its environmental initiatives.

Honda will introduce electric motorcycles that accommodate a wide range of customer needs. Honda will introduce more than 10 new electric motorcycle models by 2025, with an aim to reach annual electric motorcycle sales of 1 million units within the next five years, and 3.5 million units (approximately 15 percent of total sales) as of 2030.

Commuter EVs, as businesses are becoming more environmentally conscious, demand for business-use electric motorcycle models has been on the rise in recent years. To fulfill such demand, These Honda e: Business Bike series models are equipped with Honda Mobile Power Pack (MPP) swappable batteries, which are well-suited to business use such as the delivery of small packages and resolve issues of range and charging time, which are key challenges that need to be addressed to realise widespread use of electric motorcycles.  

For personal use, Honda plans to introduce two commuter EV models between 2024 and 2025 in Asia, Europe and Japan. Envisioning the future market environment uses and technological advancements, Honda is exploring a range of future personal-use models including ones equipped with a power source besides a swappable battery.

Commuter Ems / EBs, currently, EMs and EBs account for more than 90 percent of industry-wide global electric motorcycle unit sales (approximately 50 million units). Honda plans to introduce a total of five compact and affordable EM and EB models between now and 2024 in Asia, Europe and Japan, in addition to China.

Fun EVs, in addition to commuter EVs, Honda is actively developing electrified models in the “FUN” category. Based on its FUN EV platform currently under development, Honda plans to introduce a total of three large-size FUN EV models in Japan, the U.S and Europe between 2024 and 2025. Honda will also introduce Kids Fun EV model, designed to pass on the joy of riding to the next generation. 

Based on its competitive “Monozukuri” (art of making things) know-how, amassed through the development and application of platforms for ICE-powered models, Honda will develop and apply electric motorcycle platforms that combine the three core components for electric vehicles – the battery, PCU and motor– with the motorcycle body. By fulfilling customer needs with highly efficient Monozukuri, Honda will continue to offer the joy of mobility with affordably-priced electric motorcycle models.

Enhancement of charging infrastructure and standardization of battery specifications are vital for the widespread adoption of electric motorcycles. As part of the enhancement of charging infrastructure, Honda is working toward popularisation of battery sharing.

Honda has established a joint venture in Indonesia, one of the major motorcycle markets, to operate a battery-sharing service utilising MPPs and MPP-powered motorcycles. The JV is currently operating a battery-sharing service in Bali. 

In India, Honda is planning to begin its battery-sharing service for electric tricycle taxis (so-called “rickshaws”) by the end of this year. Honda is also planning to expand its initiatives to popularise battery sharing to other Asian nations. Honda is working toward the standardization of swappable batteries while participating in a battery consortium in Europe and working with a partner company in India. 

In the area of software development, Honda is working with its software subsidiary, Drivemode, to enhance new value creation for its electric motorcycle products in the connected realm. Starting with the commuter EV model scheduled to go on sale in 2024, Honda will offer user experience (UX) features that continuously enrich the quality of riding through connectivity, such as offering optimal route options that take into consideration remaining range, charging spot notification, safe riding coaching and after-sales service support.

Looking ahead, Honda will work toward the establishment of a connected platform where greater value will be generated not only by connecting its motorcycles, but by linking a wide range of Honda products and realizing connectivity beyond their product domains.

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