Bridgestone India Trains Around 200 Women As Mechanics & Commercial Drivers

Bridgestone India trained over 200 women to become professional drivers and mechanics in Indore, under Yantrika Program in association with Samaan Society. 60 women have been trained as two-wheeler mechanics and 149 as drivers. Since June 2023, ten of these women mechanics are part of the “Mechanic on Wheels” service, providing servicing of two-wheelers at people’s homes and emergency roadside repairs as per requirement. The services can be availed by all, within the city of Indore.

The first batch of these trainees have now become master trainers, and in turn, are training other women. Most trainees have been employed in two-wheeler showrooms, and service centres and some have started their own garages.

“One of the key pillars of mobility solutions is the development of trained talent. As more women opt for mobility, they look for identifiable support services. Training women in this core and unconventional sector was a result of the need for trained staff, and a reflection of women wanting to work in more mainstream sectors. These initiatives also give them financial independence,” said Stefano Sanchini, Managing Director of Bridgestone India.

Spread over three and a half months, the training for drivers includes driving skills, preventive maintenance and emergency repair. Soft skills training in English speaking, map reading, first aid, and self-defence is also imparted. An insight to Women related laws, Motor Vehicle Act, Insurance Act is also provided.

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