BW Auto World 40 Under 40 Winner: Anant Nahata - Expanding Footprint Beyond India

Ananta Nahata is presently the Managing Director of Exicom, a leading global player in critical power solutions and the manufacturing of EV chargers. His journey with Exicom commenced in 2009, and over the years, he has played an instrumental role in expanding the company's operations into Li-ion batteries and EV chargers. Exicom, once a Rs 60 crore company in 2010, evolved into a Rs 900 crore powerhouse by 2022, under his leadership. The journey has been marked by vertical integration across critical areas, including research and development, engineering, manufacturing, sales and service. They have also expanded their footprint beyond Indian borders, extending their presence into Southeast Asia, Europe and Africa.

Growing up in a business environment, Nahata had a front-row seat to the intricacies of entrepreneurship from a young age. An especially pivotal experience was observing his father's remarkable journey in establishing Himachal Futuristic Communications (HFCL). Key lessons he learnt from his father include the importance of creating solutions that improve the lives of customers and the significance of staying relevant in a constantly evolving landscape.

Apart from that, Nahata firmly believes that a company's values should be shared by its employees. Therefore, he introduced a set of core values for his team, with the hope that each member would integrate these values into their daily work. Today, Exicom has not only become a leading provider of EV chargers but has also successfully filed for an IPO, marking the path for further expansion.

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