BW Auto World 40 Under 40 Winner: Ashmitha C Ghodkey - A Holistic Strategy

In order to create and implement a framework for managing software complexity (management of technical debt) across important client accounts, Ashmitha C Ghodkey, Software Architect, Bosch Global Software Technologies strategically oversaw a matrix project.

Additionally, a project setup was created with the goal of developing and delivering process techniques and a tool landscape for future embedded control units that took into account evolving market demands and incoming state-of-the-art technology.

“We moulded the industry standard software design techniques to fit into powertrain automotive embedded software domain and automated the monotonous patterns. This is a new perspective for model-based software engineering which is a competitive advantage as software changes can be made fast, with less effort and risk. This leads to an average gain of 20 per cent productivity improvement,” said Ghodkey.

Based on a market survey, she developed a holistic strategy to enable a conducive development ecosystem to cater to the future needs of customers and market demands. Further, Ghodkey successfully demonstrated and convinced the same to senior management to establish a strategic project.

Ghodkey believes considering the changing market and more diverse product needs, the company should not have one system solution/ architecture that fits all. Therefore, a paradigm shift to product development is introduced with architecture-driven engineering that provides product-specific architecture that is available at a very early phase, provides standardised definitions, supports information exchange with internal and external software suppliers and so on.

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