Decarbonising EV Charging Stations: The Starting Point Of The EV Revolution

The urgent need to address the various climatic issues cannot be understated and one industry that has the biggest potential to impact sustainability is the transportation sector. Most recently electric vehicles (EVs) have emerged as a promising solution to reduce carbon emissions. As the demand for electric vehicles (EVs) continues to rise, the significance of decarbonising EV charging stations has become paramount too.

In India, the government has been actively promoting EV adoption and aims to achieve 30 per cent EV penetration by 2030. This transformative shift from fossil fuel-dependent transportation to electrified mobility holds the key to curbing carbon emissions and ushering in a future defined by environmental consciousness. In a nation grappling with severe air pollution and mounting ecological concerns, the wide-scale adoption of EVs, coupled with the establishment of eco-friendly charging infrastructure, serves as a beacon of hope, steering us towards a cleaner and greener tomorrow.

The current status of EV Charging Stations 

Presently, there are several charging stations distributed throughout the country - 6,586 stations across 34 cities. But charging infrastructure primarily relies on electricity generated from the grid, which may have a significant carbon intensity depending on the energy mix. In India, coal-fired power plants are still popular hence decarbonizing EV charging stations becomes imperative to maximize the environmental benefits of EV adoption. As per Central Electricity Authority (CEA), in 2022, coal accounted for 68.6 per cent of India’s power generation, a direct contributor to high carbon emissions.

The Need for Decarbonisation:

While EVs produce zero tailpipe emissions, the charging of these vehicles relies heavily on the electricity grid, which may still be powered by fossil fuels. Without decarbonising the charging infrastructure, the overall impact of EV adoption on carbon emissions would be limited. Therefore, transitioning to renewable energy sources for charging stations is crucial to maximise the environmental benefits of EVs.

Strategies for Decarbonisation:

Renewable Energy Integration: One of the most effective ways to decarbonise EV charging stations is to source electricity from renewable energy generation. By integrating solar, wind, hydro, and other renewable sources into the power supply, charging stations can operate with significantly reduced carbon footprints. This can be achieved through on-site installations of renewable energy systems or purchasing renewable energy credits from off-site projects.

Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS): Implementing battery energy storage systems in charging stations allows for better integration of renewable energy sources. These systems store excess renewable energy during periods of low demand and make it available for charging EVs during peak hours. BESS helps balance the intermittent nature of renewable energy generation, reduces strain on the grid, and ensures a reliable and clean energy supply for EV charging.

Smart Charging Infrastructure: Intelligent charging infrastructure plays a vital role in decarbonisation efforts. Smart charging systems can optimise energy usage by considering factors such as grid load, electricity prices, and renewable energy availability. By leveraging advanced algorithms and real-time data, these systems can schedule charging sessions during periods of high renewable energy generation, reducing reliance on fossil fuel-based electricity.

Grid Upgrades and Demand Response Programs: Decarbonising EV charging stations requires strengthening the electricity grid to accommodate increased demand. Upgrading the grid infrastructure and deploying demand response programs enable more efficient distribution of electricity and facilitate the integration of renewable energy sources. These measures help manage the charging load, prevent grid congestion, and ensure a reliable power supply for both EVs and other consumers.

Benefits of Decarbonisation:

Decarbonizing EV charging stations brings several significant benefits, such as

Climate Impact: By using renewable energy sources, decarbonised charging stations greatly reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with EV charging, making a substantial contribution to mitigating climate change.

Public Health: EVs already have a positive impact on air quality by eliminating tailpipe emissions. Decarbonising charging stations further reduces pollution from power plants, improving air quality and public health.

Energy Independence: Relying on renewable energy for charging stations enhances energy independence by reducing dependence on fossil fuels, thereby strengthening energy security and resilience.

Economic Opportunities: The transition to decarbonised charging infrastructure creates new economic opportunities in the renewable energy sector, driving job growth and technological advancements.

Benefits of Green EV Charging Stations:

Renewable Energy Usage: Green EV charging stations are powered by renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, or hydroelectric power. By utilising clean energy, these charging stations significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help combat climate change.

Reduced Carbon Footprint: Charging EVs with green energy reduces the overall carbon footprint associated with transportation. It promotes a shift away from fossil fuels and contributes to a cleaner and more sustainable energy system.

Energy Efficiency: Green charging stations often incorporate advanced technologies to maximise energy efficiency. They can employ features like smart charging algorithms, energy management systems, and bidirectional charging capabilities to optimise energy consumption and minimise wastage.

Cost Savings: Green charging stations can result in cost savings for EV owners. Solar-powered stations, for example, can offer free or low-cost charging by harnessing sunlight as an abundant and renewable energy source. Over time, this can significantly reduce the cost of charging an EV compared to relying on grid electricity.


Decarbonising EV charging stations is a critical step toward achieving a sustainable transportation system. By integrating renewable energy, leveraging battery energy storage systems, implementing smart charging infrastructure, and upgrading the electricity grid, we can maximise the environmental benefits of electric vehicles. Embracing these strategies not only reduces carbon emissions but also improves air quality, enhances energy security, and fosters economic growth.

The article has been authored by Benjamin Lin, President of Delta Electronics India


Benjamin Lin

Guest Author The author is the President of Delta Electronics India

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