Droom Launches Eco Lab As Part Of Droom Innovations

Droom has launched Eco Lab. Enabling the Eco Lab with IoT cloud and large fleet management services, Droom aims at leveraging emerging technologies to build new innovations in and evolve Eco Inspection, doorstep auto inspection service for pre-owned vehicles. Built on Droom’s proprietary auto inspection methodology, Eco Inspection provides a scientific, comprehensive, and unbiased report with over 1000+ checkpoints. This ensures that buyers can get an all-inclusive report of the vehicles they choose to buy at a very low price. Considering the all-encompassing and buyer-centric approach that Droom is known for, Eco Lab marks yet another milestone in the highly-evolved automobile ecosystem that the company has achieved.

With more than 5000 auto inspection technicians, referred to as ‘Eco Ninjas’, onboard at present, marking 90,000+ auto inspections across 800+ cities till date. Keeping its promise of providing the best of the best professionals for consistent quality maintenance and customer satisfaction, Droom has been carrying out extensive verification and background check processes before certifying a professional. Moreover, once onboard, these Eco Ninjas undergo rigorous classroom and on-ground training and adaptive tests for 10-15 days at the newly-established Eco Lab. Through such an all-encompassing on-boarding process, Droom ensures that only the best of professionals go forth to deliver an enhanced customer experience.

Sharing his insight behind the launch of Eco Lab, Rupendra Singh, Vice President, Certification Services, Droom remarked, “Since its very inception, Droom has always strived to deliver the best solutions around the entire ecosystem of automobiles. After setting up the AI Lab to evolve OBV and build newer state-of-the-art tools, we wanted to leverage the technologies to innovate our Eco Inspection tool further. Being a customer-centric brand, we aim at completely ridding our customers from the stress of having to deal with unknowns while buying a pre-owned automobile. This is what led to the inception and launch of Eco Lab. From leveraging IoT cloud to access engine health to enabling large fleet management service and bringing the best of professionals on board, Droom aims at making Eco Inspection the de-facto industry standard for used vehicle inspection.”

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