India Battery Manufacturing Vision Aims 500 GWh Annual Capacity By 2035

Industry body, India Energy Storage Alliance (IESA) has unveiled its 'India Battery Manufacturing Vision' targeting over 500GWh capacity by 2035, having potential to create over 2.6 million jobs and bring investment worth USD 35 billion in the country.

IESA is anticipating that the first gigafactory (manufacturing facility that produces components linked to electrification and decarbonisation technologies) in India will start commercial production in 2024 and installed manufacturing capacity of ACC (Advanced chemistry cell) batteries should scale to over 50 GWh by 2027-28.

Based on current announcements, Indian gigafactories should scale to over 150 GWh annual capacity by end of 2030.

"IESA has also set a vision to further scale this capacity to over 500 GWh by 2035 considering the demand growth for both stationary storage and e-mobility in India," said Rahul Walawalkar, Chair, WESD, Founder and President of IESA, and president & MD, Customized Energy Solutions (CES) India, in a statement.

In addition, there is a great opportunity for localising key components of gigafactories such as cathode-anode separator, electrolytes etc. with the need for alternate supply chain in developed markets such as US and European Union, Walawalkar noted.

Indian battery supply chain industry could scale to over 1,000 GWh manufacturing capacity with enabling policy and regulatory framework, he pointed out, saying, "We are excited with the immense response received from Niti Aayog, MHI (Ministry of Heavy Industries) and Ministry of Mines for this vision."

The estimate of the IESA is based on the deliberations made by industry players and experts from over 70 countries during Global Virtual Conference & Expo on the occasion of the World Energy Storage Day (WESD) 2023 last month.

IESA is focused on the development of advanced energy storage, green hydrogen, and e-mobility technologies in India.

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