Planning To Buy An Electric Vehicle? Read EV Battery Safety Measures Before Spending Money

The EV wave is in its prime as people are considering them as a new form of transportation with a constant increase in the demand. Mckinsey, in a study, projects the number of electric two-wheelers in India to be 8.2 million to 9.2 million by the financial year 2030. Driving these EVs are batteries that act as a prime mover while functioning as a heart for them. They are considered an alternative to the traditional combustion fuels that are on the verge of depletion in near future. A battery converts chemical energy into electrical energy and is used to deliver mechanical functions for the vehicles. Many innovations and challenges were faced by automobile manufacturers to incorporate this source of energy into current vehicle design and provide similar performance functionalities with cost reductions. 

Technology is rapidly changing and the safety of these EVs is the top priority for companies. But, there are a few incidences that have revealed some shortcomings of the batteries. Although organisations have recognised these faults and are making constant efforts on improving the performance and safety of the battery. But, there is also a key role of the end-users to understand their e-vehicles and take safety measures to avoid any technical problems. 

Understanding Common Issues with the Vehicle Batteries and Safety Measures 

Batteries and their chargers are the expensive part of an EV. Therefore, they must be handled with the utmost care, and users must avoid dropping them on the floor. Also, they must not only focus on the physical damages to the battery but also consider aspects related to charging, overheating and electrical harness. Specifically, two-wheeler users must avoid any direct contact with batteries. Although insulations are provided as a safety procedure, but if any physical damage leads to exposure of the wires, then it must be reported immediately to the company. 

Consider a Safe Charging

Charging of the batteries must be done in a cool and dry environment to maintain battery life. Also, users especially those owning two-wheelers must avoid charging batteries immediately after or before a ride and set a cool-down period of 30 minutes. In addition, while connecting charger connectors, it must be made sure that it is connected properly to avoid any faults. In case of users are not using the vehicles, they could at least charge 50 per cent battery and park it in a shaded place. In all scenarios, chargers and batteries must be kept away from any water contact to dodge any precarious situation. Also, fast charging must only be considered occasionally. 

Recognising Climatic Effects on Batteries

The most common battery type used in vehicles is Lithium-Ion (Li-ion). They use chemical procedures to generate energy. Therefore, temperature changes can aggravate the equilibrium balance in the batteries as lithium is reactive. Industry experts also discovered that weather conditions affect the battery performance in several ways. In summers, higher temperatures can overheat the batteries. Apart from that, faulty charging and not using OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturing) company’s standard chargers can also be the reason for the battery overheating. In winter seasons, the efficiency of the battery decreases. Therefore, overcharging the batteries must be avoided at all costs. Also, while getting the EVs cleaned, detachable items should be removed to avoid any damage. Lastly, user manuals must be referred to after purchasing the vehicle for gaining information on more safety measures. 

Final Thoughts

Electric vehicles will become a norm in the near future. With the increase in its usage, the users have a new responsibility to consider the safety of vehicles and batteries. The most common problem is overheating. This thermal management problem can be solved by avoiding overcharging and keeping the vehicle away from moisture. As a precaution, users must stow a dry foam extinguisher in case of any fire incident.

Users must also have regular checkups of their EVs at registered company dealers and also keep a track of vehicle services. Also, regular short trips must be made to keep the battery health in better condition. The EV vehicle segment is different from the internal combustion vehicles, therefore the safety situations are different. For a precautionary approach, automotive companies are also including safety equipment in their e-vehicles. 

A collective approach with all the system participants with government policies can improvise safety measures and provide an enriched experience with environmental safety.


Nemin Vora

Guest Author The Author is Chief Executive Officer of Odysse Electric Vehicles

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