Tech Startup Spyne Launches Photography SDK Solution For The Automobile Industry

A deep tech start-up, Spyne has launched its first-of-its-kind AI-powered photography solution – SDK Solution for the Automobile industry. With the help of this solution, the manual processes used by businesses to photograph and edit car images can be automated and streamlined, reducing the amount of time, money, and labour required significantly.

The newly launched SDK solution can be directly embedded in the enterprise dealer app and help businesses capture and create uniform, studio-quality car images that can directly be uploaded to their website and App.

Equipped with a smart AI-powered camera interface, the solution manages the smartphone automotive shoot experience. The solution further instructs the dealer on how to shoot, what angles to shoot from, and provides an error if the light is too harsh or dull, among other things. 

In addition to this, the company has also introduced a Spyne AI photoshoot & Editing App for the SMB market. The dealers can download it from the app store and play store free of cost. Through the self-serve App, dealers can do a smart shoot and generate an interactive 360 view for every car they sell. These can further help them with better customer engagement and conversions.

Spyne helps businesses and marketplaces create high-quality product images and videos at scale with AI.

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