Use EVs For Short Distance, Hybrid For Mid-distance & Hydrogen For Long Distances: Naveen Soni, Lexus India

Anything or everything we do is sustainable. In very simple language, sustainability can be defined as when you want to leave your planet in a form and shape that you are proud of the next generation and they don't blame you for misusing the resources which were given to you. In a way that doesn't impact them.

Talking about sustainability: a better way of life, Naveen Soni, President of Lexus India said, "If we are here to damage the environment or nature there is a way that it can get back to us, one example is Covid"

He further added, "the future will be decided by consumers based on the requirements. For small distance people may use EVs, for mid-distance people may use hybrid or plugin hybrids but for long distances hydrogen will be playing a vital role."

Carbon is the new enemy, it is required to reduce its usage of it to become more sustainable. With this, the impact on the environment can be reduced.

Soni shared his ideas how Lexus is trying to reduce carbon emissions, one is that it is required that people should come up with new ideas for the future. And plant more and more trees.

Sustainability comes out of the way of life, it's an approach to life and a mindset issue.

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