
Anand Ayyadurai


The Author is the Co-founder and CEO at Vogo Automotive Pvt. Ltd.

Latest Articles By Anand Ayyadurai

To Dock, Or Not To Dock, Is Not Really A Question

The docked versus dockless debate has been ongoing ever since shared micromobility gained popularity a few years ago. , The docked model is comparatively feasible and efficient than dockless in the long run. Here are three reasons why:

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The Evolved Consumer: The New Normal And The Newer Mobility Trends

With the ‘new normal’, there have emerged newer priorities and demands, urging the public and private mobility players to rethink objectives and reinvent technologies. Let’s take a look at the consumer trends that will redefine mobility in a post-pandemic world.

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How Shared Mobility Will Transform The Future Of Mobility In India

Electric vehicles will redefine the Indian mobility market. They are exactly what our cities need today — eco-friendly, easy to maintain, and cost-efficient.

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