BW Auto World 40 Under 40 Winner: Kunal Gupta - Riding The E-cycle To Success

Kunal Gupta's journey from Nagpur to Pune and then to the zenith of India's EV (Electric Vehicle) industry is a testament to his unwavering determination and strategic vision. Reflecting on his background, Gupta credits his entrepreneurial drive cultivated during his MBA days in Pune that laid the foundation of Emotorad, the E-cycle startup. Every move he made, fuelled by his entrepreneurial drive and strategic thinking, pushed Emotorad closer to becoming the powerhouse E-cycle startup it is today.

Navigating the complexities of the Indian EV industry posed significant challenges for him. Trying to carve out a space for Emotorad in the midst of all that fierce competition was not a walk in the park for him. However, armed with strategic thinking honed during his MBA, he managed to push through with sheer determination and a clear vision. Every challenge that came his way became an opportunity to innovate and set himself apart from the pack. His commitment to eco-friendly transportation, rooted in Gupta's Nagpur origins, became his guiding star.

Reflecting on Emotorad's journey, Gupta has achieved numerous milestones, but crossing the Rs 300 crore revenue mark within just three years of starting the venture, stands out. It's a testament to his hard work, dedication, and belief in this venture. But beyond monetary success, Gupta values the transformative impact Emotorad has had on communities while pushing the boundaries of sustainable transportation.

As Gupta looks ahead, he sees boundless potential for Emotorad to continue shaping the future of sustainable mobility. With a steadfast commitment to innovation and sustainability, Kunal and EMotorad are poised to leave an indelible mark on the global EV landscape.

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