BW Auto World 40 Under 40 Winner: Mohammed Zulfiquar Khanu - Rising From The Depths

Mohammed Zulfiquar Khanu, a name resonating with dedication and innovation in the corridors of Mahindra & Mahindra, didn't just happen by chance. His journey from the bustling IT hub of Bengaluru to the zenith of corporate excellence was a testament to grit, nurtured by humble beginnings and shaped by the values instilled by his family. His father, a station master, and his mother committed herself to instilling robust values in both his siblings and him. Despite consistently achieving high academic standing, he was constrained from pursuing studies beyond his hometown due to familial responsibilities.

University Visvesvaraya became the crucible where his talents were forged into weapons of professional prowess. With Toyota, Khanu embarked on his odyssey, navigating the complexities of production control with finesse and humility. It was here that his innate ability to conceptualise visionary strategies and manage significant projects came to the fore.

Transitioning to Mahindra & Mahindra in 2022 marked a new chapter in Khanu’s career. In line with his objectives, he not only undertook a diverse array of projects but also became the leadership's favoured choice for pivotal initiatives within the team. But navigating the diverse spectrum of stakeholders, ranging from Toyota to Mahindra & Mahindra, presented a journey brimming with challenges. Prioritising mutual respect and openness, he placed a premium on transparent communication and goal alignment, resulting in enduring relationships and meaningful outcomes.

His career highlights underscored his perseverance and problem-solving acumen. From steering the launch of innovative products to achieving significant cost savings through innovative solutions, Khanu’s contributions were noteworthy. His knack for problem-solving and strategic decision-making was exemplified through negotiations that saved millions for the company.

Yet, amidst the accolades and achievements, Khanu remains grounded, attributing his success to the values instilled by his mother.

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