BW Auto World 40 Under 40 Winner: Rajib Gangopadhyay - The Electric Odyssey

Rajib Gangopadhyay’s professional journey started from Bangalore where he started as a tuition teacher. This experience taught him valuable lessons about the importance of hard work, resilience, and adaptability in the face of challenges. Handling the overseas sales and distribution of an EV company in China and travelling to European countries and other places around the world, paved the way for him to get into selling electric cycles as a product, the first time he decided to import an electric cycle for the Indian market right when Covid-19 held the world down.

However, every milestone achieved has been accompanied by its share of challenges. Establishing Emotorad posed one of the most daunting hurdles. Breaking into the market where the EV (Electric Vehicle) segment is still rising required a combination of innovative thinking, strategic planning, and relentless effort. The task of securing funding to scale the business was equally formidable. Convincing investors of the untapped potential in the electric mobility sector required not just a compelling vision but also tangible proof of early successes. Yet, with each challenge, Emotorad emerged stronger and more agile.

Amidst the tumult, there were moments of triumph that stand as testament to his perseverance. Securing Series B funding of Rs 164 crore marked a significant turning point, propelling Emotorad into the forefront of the electric vehicle revolution. Also, generating over Rs 400 crore in revenue returns and selling more than 80,000 electric cycles within a span of three years showcased the tangible difference Emotorad was making in the electric mobility landscape of India.

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