Citroën India has launched the much-awaited new C3 at a special introductory price of Rs. 5,70,500 (ex-showroom Delhi). With over 90 per cent localisation, this Made-In-India model is the first product from the C-Cubed family of vehicles and is built at its manufacturing facility in Thiruvallur, Tamil Nadu. new C3 deliveries to customers have already started at all the La Maison Citroën phygital showrooms across the country.
The new Citroën C3: Introductory prices (ex-showroom Delhi)
Variant | Price |
1.2P Live | Rs. 5,70,500 |
1.2P Feel | Rs. 6,62,500 |
1.2P Feel Vibe Pack | Rs. 6,77,500 |
1.2P Feel Dual Tone | Rs. 6,77,500 |
1.2P Feel Dual Tone Vibe Pack | Rs. 6,92,500 |
1.2P Turbo Feel Dual Tone Vibe Pack | Rs. 8,05,500 |
The new Citroën C3 is now available for retail at La Maison Citroën phygital showrooms in 19 cities, namely, New Delhi, Gurgaon, Mumbai, Pune, Ahmedabad, Kolkata, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Kochi, Chennai, Chandigarh, Jaipur, Lucknow, Bhubaneswar*, Surat, Nagpur*, Vizag, Calicut, and Coimbatore.
Citroën will also extend its 100 per cent direct online buying – Buy Online - for the New C3. Customers in over 90 Indian cities, including those outside the dealer network, will be covered through this direct online initiative and can order directly from the factory.
Customers can also choose to configure and customise their new C3 online and at the La Maison Citroën phygital showrooms.
Roland Bouchara, CEO & Managing Director, Stellantis India, said, “With this launch, Citroën enters the mainstream B-hatch segment in India and we are confident the New C3’s Customised Comfort USP will make it attractive and unique for consumers. This is our first model from the C-Cubed family of vehicles that are designed and engineered in India, for Indians. With over 90 per cent localised parts in the New C3, we are leveraging our strong supplier base, our R&D Center in Chennai, the Vehicle Assembly Plant at Thiruvallur and the Powertrain Plant at Hosur in the state of Tamil Nadu.”
Saurabh Vatsa, Brand Head, Citroën India, remarked, “We are excited to launch the New C3 for the young and progressive customers who will experience the Citroën Advanced Comfort with its four themes: Live elevated with SUV-styling, Happy space with driving comfort for flying carpet effect, tropicalised air-conditioning and interior roominess with a panoramic exterior view, Info10ment with 26 cm Infotainment touchscreen with wireless Android Auto & Apply Carplay connectivity with mirror screen technology, Customised comfort with 10 exterior colour combinations, 3 packs, 56 customisation options and over 70 accessories available at launch. Fun to drive with award-winning and fuel-efficient powertrains: 1.2 NA Puretech 82 with 5-speed MT & 1.2 Turbo Puretech 110 with 6-speed MT.”