Hero Electric, BOLT Join Hands To Set Up 50,000 EV Charging Stations Across India

Hero Electric, an electric two-wheeler company has now partnered with Bolt, a peer-to-peer charging network company, to set up 50,000 Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations in India in the next one year. As part of the plan, Bolt will install chargers around 750 Hero Electric touchpoints across India. Furthermore, around 2,000 Hero Electric riders will be able to avail themselves free of cost Bolt charging units set up at their homes.

Post-installation of charging stations individuals will be allowed to choose between private/public mode of operation for their charging stations and decide the price depending on existing commercial/EV tariffs. Moreover, a subscription based plans will be announced for Hero Electric customers.

The Bolt charging network will be leveraged by Hero Electric’s enterprise partners and EV customers both. Additionally, the Hero Electric app and website will be integrated with Bolt, offering a one-stop solution for locating a charging station, booking a slot, and payment.

Hero Electric and Bolt will begin with a pilot for IoT tracking solutions for their vehicles. This pilot will also provide fleet management and charging management solutions to all Hero Electric B2B partners.

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