OLX Records 100% Rise In Listings Of Vintage Cars

OLX has released the data on the rising popularity of vintage cars on its platform. Vintage car listings on the platform have doubled in 2019 since 2017. Vintage bikes too, have emerged to be a popular category with 4000+ bikes being listed for sale on the platform in 2019. The high interest in both vintage cars and bikes is evinced by the demand each of the categories attracts. Overall, ad listings of vintage bikes attracted over 1 million views while vintage cars witnessed over 800k views per month in 2019. 

Data on OLX also confirms that demand for both vintage cars and bikes is coming from pretty much the same cities. Chennai, Bengaluru, Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Thiruvananthapuram, Coimbatore, Kochi house enthusiasts for both bikes and cars. For vintage bikes, there is a high demand from Hyderabad and Kochi as well. For vintage cars, Ooty and Jaipur are also attractive markets additionally.

“The vintage automobile market is rapidly growing in popularity owing to the rarity of the market of so few cars and bikes in supply. Vintage car/bike rallies, nostalgia and the resurgence of vintage automobiles as a venerable asset class have led to collectors thronging to OLX in search of their next prized possession. Vintage car/bike ownership is still nascent but owing to increased discoverability, a steady stream of unique inventory on OLX and high liquidity, the demand for vintage cars/bikes is expected to double in 2020.  Increasingly these automobiles have also been recognised as an indispensable part of India’s rich automobile history and cultural legacy stemming from India’s past as an erstwhile collection of princely states,” said Sunny Kataria, Vice President Auto, OLX Group.

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