Piaggio Donates 11000 + Ration Kits to Needy Auto Driver Families

Piaggio Vehicles Pvt Ltd has announced that it has distributed more than 11000 kits, each of which could feed a family for two months. This protracted lockdown has terribly affected the Auto Rickshaw drivers, a section of the society that is very dependent on daily earnings affecting the livelihood of many families.

In this time to demonstrate solidarity with the neediest section of this society to navigate through this crisis,  PVPL arranged free supplies of these ration kits ensuring basic food security for a minimum of 2 months to the neediest of the 3 wheeler driver families. These ration kits have dry ration as well as face masks, soaps and sanitizers as per the average requirement of four family members. The distribution was done today on 28th May across India with the support of PVPL’s nationwide dealership network.   

Talking about this initiative, Diego Graffi, MD & CEO of Piaggio Vehicles Pvt. Ltd. said, “In these exceptionally difficult times we stand with the auto driver & transport worker community to provide our relentless support. They are facing difficulties in this unprecedented COVID-19 situation. We had earlier announced an extension of the warranty for all our 3 wheeler customers and have now decided to support the most needy households of this community by taking care of their basic food security for a period of 2 months. Our dealers are also partnering with us and supporting us voluntarily in this distribution to reach out to the underprivileged drivers & their families. This is an unparalleled crisis that needs cooperation and support from all of us as a community and as a socially responsible organisation we are going to keep doing the best we can do for the driver community”.

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