
Manav Kapur


The Author is the Executive Director of Steelbird International.

Latest Articles By Manav Kapur

Automotive Cyber-Security & OEM: How They Are Interconnected

Connected, autonomous, shared and electrified vehicles are soon going to steer the automobile sector into an AI-enabled future. However, when a car system gets digitally connected, it also becomes vulnerable to cyber security threats. Without proper cyber security, the smart vehicles remain exposed to attacks that can enable a malicious party to harm the vehicle or steal sensitive information like customer data.

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Tyre Manufacturing Industry In India; From Fossil Fuel Vehicles To EVs

Amongst the various advancements in the automobile sector, the tyre manufacturing industry has also seen major transformations in terms of quality, versatility and efficiency. With enhanced focus on product quality, and acquisition of the new-age technologies, leading tyre manufacturing companies in India are strengthening the country’s overall economy.

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How To Increase Efficiency In Automotive Aftermarket In India

A gradual shift towards a relationship based model from a transactional model has been underplaying wherein the manufacturers have been taking initiatives to build efficiencies in the aftermarket.

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How The Auto Sector Is Preparing Itself Against The Third Wave

Many industry mavens from various sectors unanimously think that India has learned many lessons from the pandemic, and it can certainly handle the challenges if the third wave arrives shortly.

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The Auto Sector In The Next Five Years

The automobile sector has seen a drastic change over the past few years with electrified, autonomous, shared, and connected cars. these are some of the trends that we will witness in the coming five years

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Auto Industry Seeks Government Support To Boost 100% Localisation

Many Indian auto component industries aim to cut dependency on imports but it is easier said than done.

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Road Safety - A National Concern

In India, this year instead of "Road Safety Week", a month-long campaign "National Road Safety Month" is being observed from 18th January to 17th February 2021.

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Coronavirus: Time To Unleash The Potential For Auto-Components Sector

When Wuhan in China became the epicentre of Coronavirus, the crisis brought a watershed moment for the automobile sector of India, which outsources various components from the world’s largest manufacturing hub.

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