Tata Motors has launched the all-new Safari at the starting price of INR 14.69 lakhs (ex-showroom Delhi). The SUV has been announced in six trims XE, XM, XT, XT+, XZ, and XZ+, and two different seating layouts - Six and Seven. The automaker has also unveiled the ‘Adventure’ persona of the Safari with an expressive and rugged look offering more options for customers. The Adventure variant is placed at the very top of the line and priced at 20.20 lakh (ex-showroom) for manual and Rs 21.45 lakh (ex-showroom) for the automatic variant.
Talking about interiors, Safari comes with signature Oyster White Interiors paired with the Ashwood finish dashboard, a panoramic sunroof, along with 6 and 7-seater options, which will come with an 8.8-inch floating island infotainment system.
Under the hood, the all-new Tata safari gets a 2.0 litre turbocharged Kyrotech engine which delivers an output of 170 PS and 350 Nm of peak torque. The transmission options on the SUV include a 6-speed manual and automatic gearbox.
On the safety front, the Safari comes with all-disc brakes, an electronic parking brake and an advanced ESP with 14 functionalities. Coupled with the Boss Mode providing enhanced ride comfort, the Safari sure does give the executive customers a living room style ride experience. Furthermore, the vehicle will be available in additional colour options of Daytona Grey, Tropical Mist and Orcus White along with the signature Royal Blue.
Speaking on the launch of the new Safari, Guenter Butschek, MD and CEO, Tata Motors said, “The Safari as our new flagship is connecting the aspirations of the discerning and evolved SUV customers. It tops the ‘New Forever’ range of cars and SUVs launched in 2020 and marks another milestone in Tata Motors’ strategic transformation. The new Safari is an impressive endorsement of our stated intend of enhancing presence in the faster-growing market segments. Its exceptional build quality and premium finish, power and performance augment the brand’s iconic legacy and amplify the key traits of the ‘New Forever’ range - safety, style, drivability and best-in-class features. We will make the Safari rule the Indian roads once again.”
Shailesh Chandra, President – Passenger Vehicles Business Unit, Tata Motors, said, “Safari had introduced India to the SUV lifestyle and in its contemporary avatar, the new Safari is in-sync with the multifaceted lifestyles of today’s SUV customer. With its plush interiors, state-of-the-art connectivity and premium features, the Safari not just blends in but ups the lifestyle quotient several notches higher. With the introduction of the ‘Adventure’ persona, customers have more choice to select the Safari that best complements their individual personality to ‘Reclaim Your Life’.”