BMW India has announced the launch of the BMW 2 Series Gran Coupé in a new petrol variant. Introduced in an attractive ‘M Sport’ package, the new BMW 220i is locally produced at BMW Group Plant Chennai. It is available at the dealership from today onwards in addition to the two existing diesel variants.
The BMW TwinPower Turbo petrol engine melds maximum power with efficiency and offers spontaneous responsiveness even at low engine speeds, the company said. The two-liter four-cylinder petrol engine produces an output of 190 hp and a maximum torque of 280 Nm at 1350-4600 rpm. The car accelerates from 0 -100 km / hr in just 7.1 seconds. The eight speed steptronic sport automatic transmission comes with shift paddles on the steering wheel. The quick-shift control has been updated once again in the interests of rapid manual gear changes. The long seventh gear keeps revs low, helping to cut fuel consumption when out of town or on the motorway. The transmission can also let the car coast in neutral in certain situations, while a special low-viscosity oil brings about a further reduction in CO2 emissions.
Vikram Pawah, President, BMW Group India said, “BMW India continues to expand its product range as per evolving trends in the luxury car segment. We believe in offering the power of choice when it comes to fulfilling mobility needs and desires of BMW enthusiasts. Designed with a focus on performance and sportiness, the new BMW 220i M Sport demonstrates powerful uniqueness that suits the requirements of motorsport fans. With the dynamics of a petrol engine, first-class driving characteristics and highest comfort, ‘Sheer Driving Pleasure’ is guaranteed every time.”
The car is available at an attractive introductory price (ex-showroom) as follows –
BMW 220i M Sport : INR 40,90,000