Two Wheeler Helmet Manufacturers Association Stands With Govt. For New Motor Vehicle Act

Two Wheeler Helmet Manufacturers Association has been proactively taking up the matter of helmet safety in India and appreciates the move of the Government for the modifications in the Motor Vehicle Act. Due to this, people have started buying helmets and the new Motor Vehicle Act will surely save millions of lives.

The manufacturing capacities of the ISI Helmet manufacturers are being utilized now. Only 1% of the population of India is buying helmets, as they are in a set of mind that the law will not be enforced later on.

Suggesting the government to implement the law Pan India, Rajeev Kapur, President, Two Wheeler Helmet Manufacturers Association,” We request the Government to go forward with fining people phase-wise who are not following the regulations. This move should be started initially from the tier 1 cities for a time period of 3 months, followed with tier 2 & tier 3 cities within the time frame of 9 months. It will be surely smooth as the citizens will get a time period of 9 months to adopt, and within these months the Motor Vehicle Act will be surely implemented & followed by everyone. Moreover, through this move the citizens will be getting enough time to buy helmets, for insurance, to get a license made, to get the pollution check of the vehicles etc”.

Two Wheeler Helmet Manufacturers Association proposes to start the move from the Tier 1 cities as the people are well educated & aware about the current happenings. The citizens will get easily geared up for the changes in regulations.

“It is utmost important for the Government to implement & regulate the norms phase-wise within the country, as there is not much infrastructure in which the whole population can come up and get things back on track in a days time” added Kapur.

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