Jaguar I-PACE Now Comes With A Trio Of New Features

Jaguar I-PACE now comes with a trio of features focusing on use and cost; the new online range calculator, simple-tariff public charging service and the Go I-PACE app.

The new online range calculator gives users greater insight into the effects that factors such as wheel size, temperature, and other features have on the vehicle’s maximum range of 470 km (292 miles) (WLTP).

Jaguar’s new simple-tariff public charging service gives owners access to more than 110 000 public plug-in points across Europe, with a single monthly bill using a PAYG model or fixed subscription fee.

By measuring daily use in any car, the Go I-PACE app, for iPhone or Android, allows would-be buyers to understand how the I-PACE would fit into their lives. The app calculates potential cost savings, how much battery would have been used per trip and the number of full charges that would be required to cover the cumulative distance driven, all by tracking individual user journey data via the location services on a smartphone.

Rob McKay, Head of e-Mobility, Jaguar Land Rover said: “By using these digital tools, existing and potential customers are able to see with great accuracy how an I-PACE could fit into life and gain a real insight into how the range of the vehicle is affected by different features. Add to this the simple-tariff charge across Europe, and it has never been simpler to own and run the Jaguar I-PACE.”

Data captured by Jaguar’s Go I-PACE app has revealed that across Europe 85 percent of owners could cover their weekly mileage with a maximum of just two full vehicle charges, with 54 percent only needing to charge once every seven days.

More than 35 000 journeys logged by the intelligent smartphone app revealed that the average user clocked up to 347 km (216 miles) per week, with an average journey measuring 13 km (8.4 miles). Plus, with a Jaguar-approved AC wall box (7 kW) installed at home, drivers could achieve a zero to 80 percent charge in just over 10 hours – ideal for overnight charging used by the majority of EV drivers.

When plugged in, I-PACE owners can even choose the time at which their vehicle begins charging in order to take advantage of cheaper energy tariffs.

Joanna Hewitt, Digital Innovations, Jaguar Land Rover said: “The Go I-PACE app was designed to demonstrate how EV ownership can benefit drivers, particularly in understanding journey impact on range and how often they would need to the plugin. Looking at the data we have had so far it is clear to see that not only is I-PACE ownership cost-effective, it is extremely convenient too.”

The I-PACE also has a suite of smart range-optimizing technologies including a battery pre-conditioning system which, when plugged in, automatically increases or lowers the temperature of the battery to maximize range before driving away.

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