Maruti Suzuki Net Profits Down By 27% In Quater 1

The Board of Directors of Maruti Suzuki India Limited today approved the financial results for the period April-June, FY 2019-20 (Quarter 1).

Highlights: Quarter 1 (April-June) FY 2019-20 

The Company sold a total of 402,594 vehicles during the Quarter, lower by 17.9% compared to the same period the previous year. Sales in the domestic market stood at 374,481 units, lower by 19.3%. Exports were at 28,113 units.

During the Quarter, the Company registered Net Sales of Rs. 187,352 million, lower by 14.1% compared to the same period the previous year.

Net profit for the quarter stood at Rs 14,355 million, lower by 27.3% compared to the same period previous year largely on account of lower sales volume and higher depreciation expenses.

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