Freedom. One Word That Completes Us Whether As An Armed Force Official Or A Motorcyclist

It is the freedom that we all experience when we are together either on the battleground or while unwinding our passion of riding. On 15th August every year, one can witness the entire nation and every heart painted in tri colors filled with a sense of pride. As an armed forces official, we have lived to safeguard the honor of our country, and the essence to strive for freedom always runs within us. Independence and Freedom, this year has different meanings for everyone around the country and the world.  

As a passionate rider, I have discovered a different meaning of freedom. Freedom from a daily routine, freedom to step out, freedom to discover and explore corners of the country. We mount on our freedom machines to attain inner peace and ride across in search of our freedom. And the Harley-Davidson Armed Forces Chapter has given me that freedom. 

It is the idea of ‘Freedom’ and ‘Brotherhood’ that introduced the Harley-Davidson Armed forces Chapter around five years ago. The chapter and every individual member reverberate the value of Freedom. We share a common thread of having served the country as well as the passion of motorcycling. Strengthening our camaraderie, we have fought many battles together and now we ride together.

As India celebrates its 74th Independence Day, the motive of freedom has entirely changed. In the year 2020, while we recall the struggle of our leaders to attain independence, the freedom we want today is from something invisible yet prominent- Freedom from the virus! The current biggest battle is the fight against Covid-19 and we have new heroes this time- The frontline Warriors! From doctors, nurses, police, sanitation, and health workers amongst others deserve a salute for their selfless service during these testing times. These warriors have put their lives on stake to get those infected on a road to recovery. This is our chance to honor the COVID-19 heroes and commemorate the heroic contribution of these people who stood the hardship of this virus. 

From every corner of India, the Harley-Davidson Armed Forces Chapter would like to pay our respects by parking our metallic partners and be in solidarity with the warriors to contribute in fighting this pandemic. We remain committed to serving our nation exactly how we commit to or passion for riding. Even during the tough times, our spirit of freedom and togetherness is intact and alive. Therefore, amid the global pandemic, a shining ray of hope binds together- The hope of riding together soon. Tough Times don’t last, tough men and machines do.


Colonel Atul Yadav (Retd)

Guest Author Colonel Atul is the Director of Harley-Davidson Armed Forces Chapter. He has been an avid motorcyclist owns a Harley-Davidson Heritage Classic. He joined the National Defence Academy Pune at a young age of 19 years. After training was Commissioned in 11th Battalion the Mahar Regiment. In his 20 years of service in the Army, most of his postings were in J&K. Joining the army was a passion, and facing excitements & adventure of army life was a dream come true.

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