Maruti Suzuki India has launched the Maruti Suzuki premium NEXA’s product Baleno S- CNG at a price of Rs 8.28 lakh for base variant and Rs 9.21 lakh for top variant. After XL6, Baleno S-CNG is NEXA’s second car to receive CNG kit in the country continuing with petrol option of premium hatchback in terms of design and features. This car is only available in a manual transmission option.
Maruti Suzuki Baleno S-CNG has an engine of 1.2L Dualjet petrol engine along with a factory fitted CNG kit, having capacity of developing 76 bhp at 6000 rpm and peak torque to 98.5 Nm at 4300 rpm in its CNG mode. Where as in petrol model this car has power tp develop 89 bhp at 6000 rpm. This car has a five speed manual gearbox with a fuel efficiency figure of 30.61 km/kg where as car give a mileage of 22.35 kmpl in MT and 22.94 kmpl in AT variants.
In addition to Suzuki Connect's 40+ connected features, a 7-inch Smart Play Pro touchscreen infotainment system with on-board voice assistance, Android Auto and Apple CarPlay connectivity, MID display with CNG-specific screens, LED Projector headlamps, 60:40 rear split seats, and a host of other features, the new Maruti Suzuki Baleno S-CNG will be the only premium CNG hatchback vehicle in its segment.