Electric Bicycles: Next-Gen Low Carbon Commuting Option

With all the buzz on EVs and the government’s push towards incentives, charging infrastructure and whatnot, let us bring to light one specific EV that is silently taking all the cities around the world by storm – the humble, silent and ever nifty electric bicycle, aka E-bikes.

E-bikes globally are playing a major role as they help in meeting the goals of smart cities. It allows the user to commute faster, increases transportation options, contributes towards curbing pollution, enhances road safety by reducing traffic congestion and allows for social distancing. 

We can cut our carbon impact in half by switching to electric bikes. Electric bikes reduce the number of cars on the road, resulting in lower carbon emissions. It's a situation that promotes environmental sustainability.

Electric motorcycles are great for anyone looking for speed without the mechanical complexity of a gas-powered vehicle. Its design is also receiving a lot of attention, as you can now get attractive designs with great finishing and workmanship.

Environmental catastrophes like global warming and climate change are seen as issues that require global solutions. Individual activity is commonly thought to be insignificant. Every action, though, is significant. You have removed one fuel guzzler from the streets by adopting the lifestyle choice of riding an electric two-wheeler instead of a car. By riding an e-bike instead of driving a car that consumes 15,000 watts of electricity, you would have reduced your consumption by 100 percent to 150 watts. E-bikes provide the ability to be the spark for a lifestyle change, creating a snowball effect of the influence that continues to expand.

These are some of the reasons why electric bikes have chosen to take up residence in the future. However, today's biggest problem for the industry is raising awareness. People are simply unaware of e-bikes and their benefits, which is partly owing to their restricted reach. On the other hand, there are few companies that sell e-bikes through internet marketplaces, which helps to increase their awareness.


Sumit Ranjan

Guest Author The Author is the Director of Operations at GoZero Mobility

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